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Note to Readers

The majority of the text on this blog is written by Hikaru, a ball jointed doll. Try not to question it. The text written in pink font is commentary from Hikaru's human friend, Anna. Basically Hikaru does most of the writing and Anna keeps her from getting too out of hand.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hikaru’s Wish List

I’m afraid my dear human, Anna, has been particularly busy as of late with her job and other obligations.  So much that I’m afraid she has had very little time left to give me the attention I need.  But I am such a patient and understanding doll, as she well knows, and I know the situation is temporary. Be that as it may, I do find myself getting a tad bored with the...
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Craft and Fabric Shopping, Without Me

Last week Anna made a few trips to various craft and fabric store in our area.  She mention something about it here on her blog.  I was a tad miffed, she had the nerve to leave me behind while she gallivanted around town. Putting that aside, she did bring home a marvelous selection of goods.  And I’m happy to report that a large amount of them are more than suitable...
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Crafting With Dolls: No-Sew Fleece Blanket

Anna has once again taken an interest in making “miniature” items as part of her weekly pledge.  Her latest project for it was fleece blankets for dolls, you may view it here. Naturally this involved making at least one blanket for myself.  Imagine my surprise when she requested my help to complete it.  She is quite aware that a doll such as myself was not designed...
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Doll Owner’s Corner: Behind the Scenes

It’s the first!  Time for Doll Owner’s Corner.  Where I, the doll owner, get to take over and say anything I want.  For this month, I thought I would share a few behind the scenes photos to show a little of what it is like to manage a bjd and her blog.  Plus it’s a good way to show other aspects of Hikaru’s personality. This was taken when Hikaru was trying...
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